Friday, July 5, 2013

5 Ways That Could End Humanity

If nature can’t kill us, we might do it ourselves. From Natural Disasters to Nuclear Wars here are 5 Ways That Could End Humanity.

Black Hole

Thousands of Black Hole are floating around our Galaxy and all of it can consume everything on it's way without warning.

It was called Black because it absorbs all the Light and Masses that hits it's horizon.

It is believed to be created when a very massive star collapse. After it's formed, it can continue to grow by absorbing mass and stars, and merging with another Black Hole's until it becomes a Super Massive Black Hole.

What will happen to humanity after a Black Hole? No one knows.

Geomagnetic Reversal

Earth's weakening Magnetic Field means we could be in a First Phases of Geomagnetic Reversal.

Geomagnetic Reversal is the change of Earth's Magnetic Field, the positions of Magnetic North and Magnetic South are interchanged.

This will cause Accelerated Polar Storm, Climate Change Vulnerability, Shifting of Continents, and Mass Extinction.

But Scientist do not agree, Geomagnetic Reversal happened before and the earth survive but they do admit that it is still a threat.

Biological Warfare

Also known as Germ Warfare, it is the use of Biological Toxins such as Bacteria and Virus with the intention of killing Humans, Plants and Animals as an act of War.

It is like a Plague and spread to Human like a wild fire, like the '1918 Flu Outbreak that killed 3% - 5% of the World's population.

Bio - weapons are living organisms or viruses that reproduce within their host victims. Biological Warfare and Viruses like Anthrax or Ebola are real threat's in our civilization.

Climate Change

Man - made or Natural, it doesn't matter, there's no denying that Climate Change is a big threat in our civilization.

Climate Change can cause Rising of Temperature, Droughts, Extreme weather conditions and worst Air condition.

Climate Change is the most urgent threat facing Humanity and we are running out of time to stop it. In fact, base on calculations, we are less than 10 years away.

World Health Organization estimates that almost 150,000 people already died because of Climate Change related issues.

Nuclear Holocaust

In a Single touch of the button, Humanity could be crushed.

Nuclear Holocaust refers to a possible Complete Annihilation of Human Civilization. Under such scenario, Earth will be uninhabitable by Nuclear Weapons in Future Word Wars.

Nuclear Holocaust could result in an End of Humanity or at least End of our Present Civilization due to immediate effects of Nuclear Fallout, Contaminated Air Quality , Loss of  Technology, Contaminated Food And Water, and worst yet, Nuclear Winter that will result Mass Extinctions.

Do you agree or do you think something new or different will end Humanity?
Let me know, Please leave it on Comments.

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