Wednesday, July 3, 2013

5 Common Myths About Marijuana

There's a lot of Misinformation about Cannabis. Classifying Facts from Fictions, Here are 5 Common Myths About Marijuana.

You can overdose on Marijuana.

It is just not fatal and there has never been a recorded incident of death by Marijuana overdose.

It’s harder to overdose on cannabis rather than alcohol.

Marijuana doesn't impair driving ability.

No compelling evidence of accidents and fatalities for those driving under the influence of Marijuana.

In fact, those driving under the influence of Cannabis will drive more Cautiously and Carefully.

Smoking Marijuana makes you Stupid.

Your IQ is Negatively Affected if you smoke more than 5 joints per week.
But once stops, IQ returns to normal.

There is no evidence that long - term use of Marijuana will permanently impair memory.

Marijuana is not Addictive.

Only less than 10% who smoke Marijuana ever meets clinical criteria for dependence.

While 32% of Tobacco users and 15% of Alcohol users do.

It's easier to quit on smoking Cannabis rather than quitting on Tobacco.

Marijuana is a Gateway Drug.

Most Pot Smokers never use any other illicit drugs.

Not everyone who smoke's Cannabis goes on to try stronger drugs, but almost all of the people who use stronger drugs began with Marijuana.

Partial legalization of Marijuana in Holland led to a decline of hard drug use.

It's a Terminus drug rather than so - called Gateway Drug.

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