Friday, August 9, 2013

Conspiracies : Bermuda Triangle

 Our world is riddled with unexplained and extraordinary events.
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Bermuda Triangle

Earths Ocean is gigantic, even in the modern era, it’s not uncommon for a ship or a plane to disappear and get lost in the ocean. In the days before Satellites and GPS this danger was ever present. Certain areas of the world were considered unlucky, some would even say cursed.

The Bermuda Triangle is the most famous of these locations. Also known as the Devils Triangle.

It is generally thought to stretch east from Miami to Bermuda and south to Puerto Rico.

Multiple disasters have been attributed to the triangle, most famously in December of 1945 when 5 Navy Planes allegedly disappear in the area. The list of the accidents on the Bermuda triangle seems to grow each year.

Mainstream scientists have attributed the events are caused by natural causes, from pilot error to bad weather, but could they be wrong?

Some researcher’s aren’t satisfied with these natural explanations. In fact they say the disappearance might be due to something more sinister, strange and mysterious.

Bermuda researchers like Charles Berlitz list a number of supernatural explanations for the activities in the Bermuda triangle.

Although Berlitz himself did not accept the more extraordinary claim, people around the world have held from some bizarre explanations.

Some have claims that the activity in the Bermuda triangle comes from lost technology of the mythical Atlantis.

Others have claimed that the Bermuda triangle covers an area of intense geomagnetic force, similar to Stonehenge.

Of course no mysterious phenomenon is complete without the mention of Aliens.

It gets even weirder when the psychic Edgar Cayce predicted that the Atlantis will be rediscovered, his disciples believe him.

And by their account, he was proven correct with the discovery of the Bimini road.

This under sea formation stretches for half a mile near the north Bimini island in the Bahamas.

Through Cayce followers, the limestone blocks laid across the ocean floor are man made or at least maid by alien civilizations, and proved that Atlantis was originally based somewhere in the Atlantic.

The Bimini road was discovered in 1968, although mainstream scientist largely decided that the formations along the Bimini road are natural rather than manufactured, the debate continues.

Skeptics argue that the Bermuda triangle reputation is solely based on exaggeration, bad research and twisted facts.

The Bermuda triangle is a high traffic area, and although accidents do occur they are proportionately no more frequent in this area than in the other part of the world. This is usually the part where conspiracy theorist alleged a cover up.

So who is correct? While the majority of researchers and scientist agree that the Bermuda triangle mystery has been debunked, the belief persists.

Despite Cayce prophecy, Atlantis has yet to reappear and many of the alleged incidents have upon further investigation turned out to be easily explained, yet even the most committed skeptics must admit, the ocean are vast and we have no idea what they contain.

While mainstream science dismisses the claims of paranormal researchers, they still hold to the original arguments and although many people have given up the debate, the conspiracies and skeptics agree on one thing, only time will tell what lies beneath the waves.

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